‘POLST'(Physician orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) OHSUでの終末期・延命治療についての取り組み

・Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatmentの略語 
・’End of life'(敢えて終末期と訳しませんでした。)における医療の質の改善のために考慮されたプログラムで、患者の希望を聞き出すための効果的なコミュニケーション、色彩がはっきりした紙への行いたい医療の記載、その希望に対する医療者の遵守が土台となっている。



【POLST Formの記載内容】

・「POLST Oregon sample」「POLST newest 日本語」にそれぞれオレゴン州のサンプルとその日本語訳があります。
①心肺停止状態の時のCPRをするかどうか 日本での従来的なDNARかどうか、に該当します
    1.緩和処置のみ施行     ;対症療法のみ
    3.積極的な治療       ;侵襲的な処置も全て行う
    1.一切行わない 2.期間を限定して行う 3.長期的に行う
   2.侵襲的な投与は行わない(筋肉内・静脈内は行わない)   3.積極的に行う












あるレジデンシーでの質的研究を用いた探索的な評価ツール開発 レジデンシー特有の能力とその熟達化を言語化し、その評価を研修場所毎に開発した軌跡

Baglia J et al. Generating developmentally appropriate competency assessment at a family medicine residency. Fam Med. 2011 Feb;43(2):90-8.


Ten years after the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education’s (ACGME) mandate that residency programs evaluate learners’ competency, research is needed to guide efforts to meet this challenge. During an innovative residency redesign, the authors developed a process to effectively measure “competence.” This particular family medicine residency admits six residents per class year and is sponsored by an academic community hospital. Our objective was to generate developmentally appropriate observable behaviors that assess competencies.

Eight steps guided the development of this assessment system: 
(1) Generate residency-specific competencies, 
1. Relationship-centered care,
2. comprehensive care,
3. information literacy and knowledge creation,
4. leadership and change management, 
5. community health partnership, 
6. lifelong learning, and 
7. self care.

(2) Define residency-specific competencies, 

(3) Identify principles of assessment, 
1. direct observation is ideal and includes both assessment and feedback, 
2. multiple methods are appropriate,
3. assessment is consistent to the extent that visible behaviors are identified, and variations of interpretation are minimized, 
4. assessment and feedback are timely and expected, and 
5. effective assessment practices are dependent upon ongoing faculty development.

(4) Compose and analyze narratives of excellence within each competency, 

(5) Distill standard statements from narratives and organize into Dreyfus levels of competence, 



(6) Derive observable behaviors from standard statements to directly correlate behaviors and competency levels,


(7) Design assessment tools (based on observable behaviors) for six residency learning sites, and


(8) Translate assessment tools for ACGME competencies.

The results of this process include an assessment system that 

(1) features six tools used with strategic frequency throughout the academic year and 

(2) generates global assessment of residents’ performance in both ACGME and residency-specific competencies.


Narrative reflection was an effective method to tie observable behaviors to competencies. The process was time intensive; however, greater efficiency and enthusiasm is expected in the use of these assessment tools, with greater confidence in the program’s capacity to assess training outcomes. Future research should include comparison of these tools with those of other programs.



Patrizia Frei et al. Use of mobile phones and risk of brain tumours: update of Danish cohort study.BMJ 2011;343:d6387 doi






<Main outcome measures> 

・13年以上使用している人に限定した場合、罹患率比は男性が1.03(95%CI 0.83-1.27)、女性が0.91(95%CI 0.41-2.04)
gliomaに関しては男性が1.04(95%CI 0.85-1.26)、女性が1.04(95%CI 0.56-1.95)
meningiomaに関しては男性が0.90(95%CI 0.57-1.42)、女性が0.93(95%CI 0.46-1.87)




Vons C,et al. Amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid versus appendicectomy for treatment of acute uncomplicated appendicitis an open-label, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2011 May 7;377(9777):1573-9.

Researchers have suggested that antibiotics could cure acute appendicitis. We assessed the efficacy of amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid by comparison with emergency appendicectomy for treatment of patients with uncomplicated acute appendicitis.

In this open-label, non-inferiority, randomised trial, adult patients (aged 18-68 years) with uncomplicated acute appendicitis, as assessed by CT scan, were enrolled at six university hospitals in France. A computer-generated randomisation sequence was used to allocate patients randomly in a 1:1 ratio to receive amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid (3 g per day) for 8-15 days or emergency appendicectomy. The primary endpoint was occurrence of postintervention peritonitis within 30 days of treatment initiation. Non-inferiority was shown if the upper limit of the two-sided 95% CI for the difference in rates was lower than 10 percentage points. Both intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses were done. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00135603.

Of 243 patients randomised, 123 were allocated to the antibiotic group and 120 to the appendicectomy group. Four were excluded from analysis because of early dropout before receiving the intervention, leaving 239 (antibiotic group, 120; appendicectomy group, 119) patients for intention-to-treat analysis. 30-day postintervention peritonitis was significantly more frequent in the antibiotic group (8%, n=9) than in the appendicectomy group (2%, n=2; treatment difference 5•8; 95% CI 0•3-12•1). In the appendicectomy group, despite CT-scan assessment, 21 (18%) of 119 patients were unexpectedly identified at surgery to have complicated appendicitis with peritonitis. In the antibiotic group, 14 (12% [7•1-18•6]) of 120 underwent an appendicectomy during the first 30 days and 30 (29% [21•4-38•9]) of 102 underwent appendicectomy between 1 month and 1 year, 26 of whom had acute appendicitis (recurrence rate 26%; 18•0-34•7).

Amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid was not non-inferior to emergency appendicectomy for treatment of acute appendicitis. Identification of predictive markers on CT scans might enable improved targeting of antibiotic treatment.


Clinical Prediction Rules その特徴・弱点は?


Gavin Falk, clinical research fellow, Tom Fahey, professor of general practice.
Diagnosis in General Practice: Clinical prediction rules BMJ 2009;339:(Published 7 August 2009) 


<Clinical Prediction Ruleとは何か?>

Clinical Prediction Ruleは、症状・徴候・診断的検査を組み合わせて点数化し、その結果から、対象となる疾患を持つ可能性に応じて、患者を層別化する。その際に注目されるアウトカムは多種多様で、診断・予後・治療全般に用いられる。

Clinical Prediction Ruleは一般的に臨床応用されるまでに3つの段階を踏む。


③Impact analysis;RCTを用いてClinical Prediction Ruleが患者アウトカム・臨床家の行動・資源利用などに与える影響を調べる段階。例としては、CAGE questionnaireが挙げられる。

(Bayesの定理においてClinical Prediction Ruleを組み合わせた具体的な利用例がノモグラム併記で原文にあります。ご参照ください。)


例;利用可能性バイアス 非常に強烈だったり、印象に残りやすい出来事、例えばまれだが記憶に残る疾患 の可能性を高く見積もってしまう)

例;ルールの正確性が確認された母集団と、ルールが適応された患者が臨床的に異なったスペクトラムを持っていた場合。(※発表者捕捉この場合はスペクトラムバイアスといって、診断的検査が持つ感度と特異度は変化してしまうため、ルール自体の性能が変わってしまう。) 通常はルールが開発された際の母集団の方が重症で進行した疾患であることが多いため、感度・特異度ともに実際よりも大きく見積もられがちになる。

プライマリケアセッティングにおけるPrediction Ruleの応用の難しさは、CRB-65スコア(肺炎の予後推定スコア)においてもわかる。プライマリケアセッティングで応用されたときに、スコアは低リスク群の患者を的確に導き出したが、では、どこで紹介を考慮すべきなのか、そしてそれがどの程度その後のマネージや生存率を変えるのかについてははっきりしなかったのである。


・Clinical Prediction Ruleの導入・報告のための、標準的な方法論が報告されている。STARD※2と呼ばれるフレームワークがおそらくはルールの開発・報告の質を上げるだろうし、特にスペクトラムバイアスや選択バイアスへの対策となるだろう。


・最後に、ルールを正確に想起し、適応するためのコンピューターによるシステム(clinical decision support systems)が開発されつつある。



「代表性ヒューリスティック」;特定のカテゴリーに該当しやすいと思われる事柄の確率を過大に評価する。 消化性潰瘍=腹痛と、代表させてしまうと、腹痛がない患者において潰瘍の可能性を不適切に棄却してしまう。(実際には腹痛がない消化性潰瘍はかなりの割合で存在する)



※2 STARD;http://www.bmj.com/content/326/7379/41.1.full.pdf ←を参照ください。


Fig 1 Stages and strategies in arriving at a diagnosis




ロジャー・フィッシャー & ダニエル・シャピロ 著、新ハーバード流交渉術‐感情をポジティブに活用する‐、原著名”Beyond Reason -Using Emotions as You Negotiate-“








だれでも自由に意思決定をしたり、他人の意思決定に影響を与えたいという欲求がある。自らの自律性を拡大しつつ、相手の自律性も侵害しないことは可能。「決める前に相談することを考えよ(CCBD:Consider Consulting Before Deciding)」








Tseng HF, Smith N, Harpaz R, et al. Herpes zoster vaccine in older adults and the risk of subsequent herpes zoster disease. JAMA 2011; 305:160.


Approximately 1 million episodes of herpes zoster occur annually in the United States. Although prelicensure data provided evidence that herpes zoster vaccine works in a select study population under idealized circumstances, the vaccine needs to be evaluated in field conditions.

To evaluate risk of herpes zoster after receipt of herpes zoster vaccine among individuals in general practice settings.

<Design, Setting, and Participants> 
A retrospective cohort study from January 1, 2007, through December 31, 2009, of individuals enrolled in the Kaiser Permanente Southern California health plan. Participants were immunocompetent community-dwelling adults aged 60 years or older. The 75 761 members in the vaccinated cohort were age matched (1:3) to 227 283 unvaccinated members.

<Main Outcome Measure> 
Incidence of herpes zoster.

Herpes zoster vaccine recipients were more likely to be white, women, with more outpatient visits, and fewer chronic diseases. The number of herpes zoster cases among vaccinated individuals was 828 in 130 415 person-years (6.4 per 1000 person-years; 95% confidence interval [CI], 5.9-6.8), and for unvaccinated individuals it was 4606 in 355 659 person-years (13.0 per 1000 person-years; 95% CI, 12.6-13.3). In adjusted analysis, vaccination was associated with a reduced risk of herpes zoster (hazard ratio [HR], 0.45; 95% CI, 0.42-0.48); this reduction occurred in all age strata and among individuals with chronic diseases. Risk of herpes zoster differed by vaccination status to a greater magnitude than the risk of unrelated acute medical conditions, suggesting results for herpes zoster were not due to bias. Ophthalmic herpes zoster (HR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.23-0.61) and hospitalizations coded as herpes zoster (HR, 0.35; 95% CI, 0.24-0.51) were less likely among vaccine recipients.

Among immunocompetent community-dwelling adults aged 60 years or older, receipt of the herpes zoster vaccine was associated with a lower incidence of herpes zoster. The risk was reduced among all age strata and among individuals with chronic diseases.

 This result shows 55% reduction of Herpes Zoster patients compared with unvaccinated ones and NNP(Number needed to prevent) for 3 years is 71 individuals. But, vaccine price is $161.50 and probably it will be difficult to be paid by public money. Then I want to evaluate cost-effectiveness for this vaccine.
  The over all cost to prevent 1 patient for 3 years is $11466.5. If this effect remains for 10 years, this cost will be lowered to $3,440. And we have to consider the incidence of PHN in Herpes Zoster patients, which is 6.9-18.5% (Mean 12.7%). So The cost to prevent 1 PHN patient for 10 years is $27,085 (\2,085,540). The drug price of post-herpetic neuralgia is \458/day (Pregabalin 300mg/day). So the cost to treat one patient for 10 years is \1,671,700.
  How do you think about this data? Do you want to adopt this vaccine in your clinic and town?



Christine E. Kistler, Katharine A. Kirby, et al. Long-term Outcome Following Positive Fecal Occult Blood Test Results in Older Adults. Arch Intern Med. 2011;171(15):1344-1351.

In the United States, older adults have low rates (fewer than 60%) of follow-up colonoscopy after a positive fecal occult blood test (FOBT) result. The long-term outcomes of these real world practices and their associated benefits and burdens are unknown.

To inform how clinical practice could improve to maximize the net benefit of FOBT screening and follow-up in older adults.

Longitudinal cohort study of 212 patients 70 years or older with a positive FOBT result at 4 Veteran 
Affairs (VA) facilities in 2001 and followed up through 2008. We determined the frequency of downstream outcomes duringthe7years of follow-up, including procedures, colonoscopic findings, outcomes of treatment, complications, and mortality based on chart review and national VA and Medicare data. 
Net burden or benefit from screening and follow-up was determined according to each patient’s life expectancy. Life expectancy was classified into 3 categories: Best (age, 70-79 years and Charlson-Deyo comorbidity index [CCI], 0), average, and worst (age, 70-84 years and CCI, >=4 or age, >=85 years and CCI, >=1).

56 % of patients received follow-up colonoscopy (118 of 212), which found 34 significant adenomas and 6 cancers. 10% experienced complications from colonoscopy or cancer treatment (12 of 118). 46 % of those without follow-up colonoscopy died of other causes within 5 years of FOBT (43 of 94), while 3% (3 of 94) died of colorectal cancer within 5 years (Figure1). 87% of patients with worst life expectancy experienced a net burden from screening (26 of30) as did 70% with average life expectancy (92 of 131) and 65% with best life expectancy (35 of 51) (P=.048 for trend) (Figure2).

Over a 7-year period, older adults with best life expectancy were less likely to experience a net burden from current screening and follow-up practices than are those with worst life expectancy. The net burden could be decreased by better targeting FOBT screening and follow-up to healthy older adults.




※Charlson-Deyo comorbidity index (Wikipedia)
The Charlson co-morbidity index predicts the ten-year mortality for a patient who may have a range of co-morbid conditions such as heart disease, AIDS, or cancer (a total of 22 conditions). Each condition is assigned with a score of 1,2,3 or 6 depending on the risk of dying associated with this condition. Then the scores are summed up and given a total score which predicts mortality.
The clinical conditions and scores are as follow: 1 each: Myocardial infarct, congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, dementia, cerebrovascular disease, chronic lung disease, connective tissue disease, ulcer, chronic liver disease. 2 each: Hemiplegia, moderate or severe kidney disease, diabetes, diabetes with complication, tumor, leukemia, lymphoma. 3 each: Moderate or severe liver disease. 6 each: Malignant tumor, metastasis, AIDS.
For a physician, it is helpful in knowing how aggressively to treat a condition. For example, a patient may have cancer, but also heart disease and diabetes so severe that the costs and risks of the treatment outweigh the short term benefit from treatment of the cancer.
Since patients often do not know how severe their conditions are, originally to calculate the index nurses were supposed to go through the patient’s chart and determine whether the patient had a particular condition. Subsequent studies have adapted it to a questionnaire for patients.
The original citation follows: Charlson ME, Pompei P, Ales KL, MacKenzie CR (1987). A new method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies: development and validation. J Chron Dis, 40(5): 373-383.




FOLASHADE S. OMOLE, MD; CHARLES M. SOW, MD, MSCR; EDITH FRESH, PhD; DOLAPO BABALOLA, MD; and HARRY STROTHERS III, MD. Interacting with Patients’ Family Members During the Office Visit. Am Fam Physician. 2011;84(7):780-784.




Do you want to know the natural history of headache?


Magnitude, impact, and stability of primary headache subtypes: 30 year prospective Swiss cohort study.
Merikangas KR, Cui L, Richardson AK, Isler H, Khoromi S, Nakamura E, Lamers F, Rossler W, Ajdacic-Gross V, Gamma A, Angst J.
BMJ. 2011 Aug 25;343:d5076. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d5076.



To determine the prevalence, impact, and stability of different subtypes of headache in a 30 year prospective follow-up study of a general population sample.


Prospective cohort study.

Canton of Zurich, Switzerland.

591 people aged 19-20 from a cohort of 4547 residents of Zurich, Switzerland, interviewed seven times across 30 years of follow-up.

<Main outcome measures>

Prevalence of headache; stability of the predominant subtype of headache over time; and age of onset, severity, impact, family history, use of healthcare services, and drugs for headache subtypes.


The average one year prevalences of subtypes of headache were 0.9% (female:male ratio of 2.8) for migraine with aura, 10.9% (female:male ratio of 2.2) for migraine without aura, and 11.5% (female:male ratio of 1.2) for tension-type headache. Cumulative 30 year prevalences of headache subtypes were 3.0% for migraine with aura, 36.0% for migraine without aura, and 29.3% for tension-type headache. Despite the high prevalence of migraine without aura, most cases were transient and only about 20% continued to have migraine for more than half of the follow-up period. 69% of participants with migraine and 58% of those with tension-type headache manifested the same predominant subtype over time. However, the prospective stability of the predominant headache subtypes was quite low, with substantial crossover among the subtypes and no specific ordinal pattern of progression. A gradient of severity of clinical correlates and service use was present across headache subtypes; the greatest effect was for migraine with aura followed by migraine without aura, and then tension-type headache and unclassified headaches.


These findings highlight the importance of prospective follow-up of people with headache. The substantial longitudinal overlap among subtypes of headache shows the developmental heterogeneity of headache syndromes. Studies of the causes of headache that apply diagnostic nomenclature based on distinctions between discrete headache subtypes may not capture the true nature of headache in the general population.

