If you cannot quit abruptly, only “reduction” of smoking will be of benefit to you !

著者名:Gerber Y.et al.
文献タイトル:Smoking reduction at midlife and lifetime mortality risk in men a prospective cohort study. 
雑誌名・書籍名:Am J Epidemiol.
発行年:2012 May 15;175(10):1006-12.

Previous studies have not shown a survival advantage for smoking reduction. The authors assessed survival and life expectancy according to changes in smoking intensity in a cohort of Israeli working men. 

Baseline smokers recruited in 1963 were reassessed in 1965 (n = 4,633; mean age, 51 years). Smoking behavior was self-reported (5 status : never smoker / past smoker / 1-10 / 11-20 / more than 20 cigarettes per days) respectively. They were followed up prospectively for mortality through 2005. Smoking intensity at both time points was self-reported and categorized as none, 1-10, 11-20, and ≥21 cigarettes per day. 

Change between smoking categories was noted, and participants were classified as increased (8%), maintained (65%), reduced (17%), or quit (10%) smoking (Table 1). During a median follow-up of 26 (quartiles 1-3: 16-35) years, 87% of participants died. Changes in intensity were associated with survival. In multivariable-adjusted models, the hazard ratios for mortality were 1.14 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.99, 1.32) among increasers, 0.85 (95% CI: 0.77, 0.95) among reducers, and 0.78 (95% CI: 0.69, 0.89) among quitters, compared with maintainers (Table 3). Inversely, the adjusted odds ratios of surviving to age 80 years were 0.77 (95% CI: 0.60, 0.98), 1.22 (95% CI: 1.01, 1.47), and 1.33 (95% CI: 1.07, 1.66), respectively. The survival benefit associated with smoking reduction was mostly evident among heavy smokers and for cardiovascular disease mortality. 

These results suggest that decreasing smoking intensity should be considered as a risk-reduction strategy for heavy smokers who cannot quit abruptly.

・No information is available on smoking habits throughout follow-up.
・There was more factors that should adjusted detail. For example dietary and physical activity patterns.
・This study is a male-only cohort.


The ‘ologies ‘ (understanding academic disciplines) of primary health care

著者名:Trisha Greenhalgh
文献タイトル:PRIMARY HEALTH CARE -theory and practice-(BMJ books). 
雑誌名・書籍名:Blackwell Publishing. P23-56

Two medical disciplines are very important to effective practice
1  Biomedical science (anatomy, physiology, pathology, cardiology, pharmacology and so on)
2  Epidemiology (the study of disease patterns in populations and interventions to change these)

However, these medical sciences would give us a narrow and incomplete view of primary care. 
This chapter covers six additional disciplines that underpin an academic perspectives on primary care.

1 Psychology
  The scientific study of mind and behavior. There are broad scope of knowledge…
  Ex: Cognitive – , Social – , Development- , Educational-…

2 Sociology
  The study of human society and the relationship between its members.
  Peter Berger says that Sociology is to discover many layers of meaning. 
    Ex: Sick role, Professional role, Medical Uncertainty …

3 Anthropology(人類学)
  The study of human.
    a Structuralist -:
To discover what universal principles of the human mind underlie each culture.  
Ex. Claude Levi-Strauss (1st researcher about Family Structure)
  Ferdinand de Saussure (Famous Linguist, to discover the unconscious rules and principles embedded within a language 『肩が凝る』)
  b Post- Structuralist- :
    Anthropology developed out of structuralism, that are closely to the work of Pierre Bourdieu.
    Symbolic capital as a crucial source of power. 
  c Symbolic -:
        To analyze symbols (image, courtesy, idol/icon) meaning in culture system. 
        Ex: Mary Douglas (Purity and Danger : What is defined “Dirty” in different societies )
            『こんにゃくゼリー choked risk is lower than rice cake, but more “dirty” in Japan』

4 Literary Theory 
   Theory of literature and literacy criticism. 
     Ex: Patient Story, Voice of Medicine/ Voice of Human World. 

5 Philosophy, including epistemology(認識論)
  a  Epistemology :the study of valid forms of knowledge.
Ex : Scepticism(懐疑論), Rationalism, Empiricism, Objectivism, Relativism…
    b  Moral philosophy : the study of moral value of human behavior.
        Ex: Consequentialism(結果主義), Deontology(義務的倫理学), Virtue ethics, Emotivism
    c  Rhetoric and logic : the study of persuasion.

6 Pedagogy (= Learning Theory)
  a  Experimental learning theory
    b  Social learning theory
    c  Social development theory



文献タイトル:Effective Analgesia Using Physical Interventions for Infant Immunizations.
雑誌名・書籍名:Pediatrics vol.129 No.5, , pp.815-822
発行年:May1, 2012


 Inclusion criteria:出生時の妊娠週数が32-42週で、出生後20週未満
 Exclusion criteria:ワクチン接種前4時間以内にアセトアミノフェンかイブプロフェンが投与された、神経障害を持っている、遺伝子異常がある、接種時に熱のあるなしにかかわらず中等度から重度の疾患を持つ、以前にワクチン接種でアナフィラキシーを起こした、あるいは以前に2ヶ月の時点でこの研究に参加したことがある(4カ月児)
O:Modified Riley Pain Score (Table1)を使って、時間経過にともなう乳児の痛みを各群で比較
  接種後120秒全体にわたるModified Riley Pain Scoreの平均値を各群で比較

side/stomach pasition:側臥位


 ワクチンスケジュールを立てた286人が参加者としてスクリーニングされ、inclusion criteriaを満たした270人のうち、234名が参加に賛同し、うち230名がランダムに4グループに割り振られた(Fig.1)。各グループのデータはTable2に示されている。

・接種時のModified Riley Pain Score(合計0-9点)の時間経過にともなう変化:Fig.2

・接種後120秒間の全体にわたるModified Riley Pain Score(合計0-9点)の平均値:Table3










文献タイトル:日本の医療 制度と政策
発行年:2011, 東京大学出版会

序章 問題の所在と分析視角

 老年従属人口は2005年30.5%(3.3人で1人を支える)、2030年 54.4%(1.8人で1人を支える)と急激に増加する。団塊の世代が2024年に後期高齢者となるからである。これに伴い多死社会が到来し2005年 108万人から2030年 160万人が死亡する。未婚の1人暮らし高齢者は2005年80万人から2030年 290万人となる。医療費は医療の進歩に伴い自然増があり、年率3%とすると2030年の国民医療費は78兆円(※2009年の国民医療費は36兆)。少子高齢化により経済成長立は引き下がり、年平均経済成長率が1%、医療費伸び率3%とすると、国民医療費のGDP比は2030年 12%程度となる(※2009年 10.6%)。

 ①医療の質、②アクセスの公平性、③コストが評価基準である。何を守り、何を攻めるか。日本の特徴としてa. 職域保険と地域保健の2階建てで国民皆保険を実現、b. ファイナンスは「公」、デリバリーは「私」中心、c. フリーアクセスの尊重、が揚げられる。これにはここに至る歴史がある。






※家庭医医療過疎地域で活躍し地域住民から高い評価を受けている実例として、島崎(2007)『医療等の供給体制の総合化・効率化に関する研究』(厚生労働科学研究補助金/政策科学推進事業 平成16-18年度総合研究方向書)より島崎(2007)「北海道更別村におけるプライマリ・ケアの実践とその効果評価」、及び中川貴史(2007)「公的有床診療所を運営維持していく必要性とその問題点-寿都町立寿都診療所の事例」が引用されている。



著者名:伊藤 守
文献タイトル: 第4章(p137-171) 
雑誌名・書籍名: 「3分間コーチ」 






 私たちは常に自分に関心があります。様々な組織の輝かしいビジョンを見せられても、常にスタッフは「WIIFM What’s in it for me?(それで私はどうなるの?)」と考えています。コーチは「これをすることで、わたしが手にするものは何か?」を考えさせることが必要なのです。「皆さんは自分の周りのスタッフの「WIIFM」を知っていますか?」、互いの個人の目標を共有公開することもまたその達成に協力し合う環境を生むことになります。

● フィードバック:「今の君は少し急ぎすぎているかな?」:
 ➢ ・・・結果に対して制御をきかせる
● フィードフォワード:「患者さんは私たちの医療にどの程度満足しているのだろうか?」:
 ➢ ・・・まだ起こっていないことに対して、制御をきかせる。




著者名:JP Greving, FLJ Visseren, et al.
文献タイトル:Statin treatment for primary prevention of vascular disease: whom to treat? Cost-effectiveness analysis. 

To assess the cost-effectiveness of low dose statins for primary prevention of vascular disease, incorporating current prices, non-adherence (reduced clinical efficacy while maintaining healthcare costs), and the results of the recently published JUPITER trial. 

Cost-effectiveness analysis using a Markov model.(※1, and see fig1) Sensitivity analyses and Monte Carlo simulation evaluated the robustness of the results.

Primary care in The Netherlands.
Hypothetical populations of men and women aged 45 to 75 years without a history of vascular disease at different levels of risk for vascular disease (myocardial infarction and stroke) over 10 years.?

Low dose statin treatment daily versus no treatment for 10 years.
Main outcome measures 
Number of fatal and nonfatal vascular events prevented, quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), costs, and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios over 10 years.

Over a 10-year period, statin treatment cost??35 000 (£30 000, $49 000) per QALY gained for men aged 55 years with a 10-year vascular risk of 10%. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio improved as risk for vascular disease increased. The cost per QALY ranged from approximately ?5000 to ?125 000 when the 10-year vascular risk for men aged 55 years was varied from 25% to 5%. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio slightly decreased with age after the level of vascular risk was specified (see table2 and 3). Results were sensitive to the costs of statin treatment, statin effectiveness, non-adherence, disutility of taking medication daily, and the time horizon of the model(see table4).?

In daily practice, statin treatment seemed not to be cost-effective for primary prevention in populations at low risk of vascular disease, despite low costs of generic drug pills. Adherence to statin treatment needs to be improved to enhance the cost-effectiveness of the use of statins for primary prevention.

In Jpanese guideline, absolute risks for cardiovascular events are estimated from Japanese original cohort study, NIPPONDATA80. From this data, even if a man is in the highest risk group, the risk of cardiovascular events is 5-10% (low risk group in this article). 
The cost of statin in Japan is showed below.
Simvastatin 10mg (generic) \15,480 (≒ ?15.5)/year (Higher than the Netherlands)
Rosuvastatin 2.5mg  \25,524 (≒ ?25.5)/year
Should we change our daily practice? If we should, how?








小児科専門研修医に対する構造化されたMSF(Multi Source Feedback)の利用

著者名:Julian C Archer, John Norcini, Helena A Davies
文献タイトル: Use of SPRAT for peer review of paediatricians in training 
雑誌名・書籍名:BMJ VOLUME 330  1251-1253
発行年:28 MAY 2005

On July 13, I joined the meeting named MEIS(Medical Education Interactive Seminar) in Kyoto University produced by Center for Medical Education. The topic was evaluation of postgraduate trainee in UK, and Dr. Julian who is a member of NIHR(National institute for health research) and the first author of this article have explained about the comprehensive evaluation in UK pediatrician program. Among many way of evaluations, there was a multisource feedback(= 360 degree feedback) called SPRAT. In the post-conference party, I’ve had a chance to talk with Dr. Julian about his work. And he’d told me that SPRAT was formulated for GP as well and used for revalidation system. And, if needed, he can help us to study its validity in Japanese GP context. 
 I hit upon using this tool for assessment in our residency. So, I would like to show the article about the first study of SPRAT in UK.

<Background and Objectives>
To determine whether a multisource feedback questionnaire, SPRAT (Sheffield peer review assessment tool), is a feasible and reliable assessment method to inform the record of in-training assessment for paediatric senior house officers and specialist registrars.

Trainees’ clinical performance was evaluated using SPRAT sent to clinical colleagues of their choosing. Responses were analysed to determine variables that affected ratings and their measurement characteristics. 

20 middle grades and 92 senior house officers were assessed using SPRAT to inform their record of in-training assessment; 921/1120 (82%) of their proposed raters completed a SPRAT form. As a group, specialist registrars (mean 5.22, SD 0.34) scored significantly higher (t = ? 4.765) than did senior house officers (mean 4.81, SD 0.35) (P < 0.001). The grade of the doctor accounted for 7.6% of the variation in the mean ratings. The hierarchical regression showed that only 3.4% of the variation in the means could be additionally attributed to three main factors (occupation of rater, length of working relationship, and environment in which the relationship took place) when the doctor's grade was controlled for (significant F change < 0.001). 93 (83%) of the doctors in this study would have needed only four raters to achieve a reliable score if the intent was to determine if they were satisfactory. The mean time taken to complete the questionnaire by a rater was six minutes. Just over an hour of administrative time is needed for each doctor. <Conclusions> SPRAT seems to be a valid way of assessing large numbers of doctors to support quality assurance procedures for training programmes. The feedback from SPRAT can also be used to inform personal development planning and focus quality improvements. 120913



著者名:Nicholas A. Christakis, Paul D. Allison. 
文献タイトル:Mortality after the Hospitalization of a Spouse.
雑誌名・書籍名: N Engl J Med 
発行年:354;719-30, 2006. 

The illness of a spouse can affect the health of a caregiving partner. We examined the association between the hospitalization of a spouse and a partner’s risk of death among elderly people.

We studied 518,240 couples who were enrolled in Medicare in 1993. We used Cox regression analysis and fixed-effects (case?time?control) methods to assess hospitalizations and deaths during nine years of   

Overall, 383,480 husbands (74 percent) and 347,269 wives (67 percent) were hospitalized at least once, and 252,557 husbands (49 percent) and 156,004 wives (30 percent) died. Mortality after the hospitalization of a spouse varied according to the spouse’s diagnosis. Among men, 6.4 percent died within a year after a spouse’s  hospitalization for colon cancer, 6.9 percent after a spouse’s hospitalization for stroke,7.5 percent after a spouse’s hospitalization for psychiatric disease, and 8.6 percent after a spouse’s hospitalization for dementia. Among women, 3.0 percent died within a year after a spouse’s hospitalization for colon cancer, 3.7 percent after a spouse’s hospitalization for stroke, 5.7 percent after a spouse’s hospitalization for psychiatric
disease, and 5.0 percent after a spouse’s hospitalization for dementia.  After adjustment for measured covariates, the risk of death for men was not significantly higher after a spouse’s hospitalization for colon cancer (hazard ratio, 1.02; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.95 to 1.09) but was higher after hospitalization for stroke(hazard ratio, 1.06; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.03 to 1.09), congestive heart failure (hazard ratio, 1.12; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.07 to 1.16), hip fracture(hazard ratio, 1.15; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.11 to 1.18), psychiatric disease(hazard ratio, 1.19; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.12 to 1.26), or dementia (hazardratio, 1.22; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.12 to 1.32). For women, the various risks of death after a spouse’s hospitalization were similar. Overall, for men, the risk of death associated with a spouse’s hospitalization was 22 percent of that associated with a spouse’s death (95 percent confidence interval, 17 to 27 percent); for women, the risk was 16 percent of that associated with death (95 percent confidence interval, 8 to 24 percent).

Among elderly people hospitalization of a spouse is associated with an increased risk of death, and the effect of the illness of a spouse varies among diagnoses. Such interpersonal health effects have clinical and policy implications for the care of patients and their families.



著者名:The UCAS Japan Investigators. 
文献タイトル:The Natural Course of Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms in a Japanese Cohort. 
雑誌名・書籍名:N Engl J Med 
発行年:2012; 366:2474-2482

The natural history of unruptured cerebral aneurysms has not been clearly defined.

From January 2001 through April 2004, we enrolled patients with newly identified, unruptured cerebral aneurysms in Japan. Information on the rupture of aneurysms, deaths, and the results of periodic follow-up examinations were recorded. We included 5720 patients 20 years of age or older (mean age, 62.5 years; 68% women) who had saccular aneurysms that were 3 mm or more in the largest dimension and who initially presented with no more than a slight disability.

Of the 6697 aneurysms studied, 91% were discovered incidentally. Most aneurysms were in the middle cerebral arteries (36%) and the internal carotid arteries (34%). The mean (±SD) size of the aneurysms was 5.7±3.6 mm. During a follow-up period that included 11,660 aneurysm-years, ruptures were documented in 111 patients, with an annual rate of rupture of 0.95% (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.79 to 1.15). The risk of rupture increased with increasing size of the aneurysm. With aneurysms that were 3 to 4 mm in size as the reference, the hazard ratios for size categories were as follows: 5 to 6 mm, 1.13 (95% CI, 0.58 to 2.22); 7 to 9 mm, 3.35 (95% CI, 1.87 to 6.00); 10 to 24 mm, 9.09 (95% CI, 5.25 to 15.74); and 25 mm or larger, 76.26 (95% CI, 32.76 to 177.54). As compared with aneurysms in the middle cerebral arteries, those in the posterior and anterior communicating arteries were more likely to rupture (hazard ratio, 1.90 [95% CI, 1.12 to 3.21] and 2.02 [95% CI, 1.13 to 3.58], respectively). Aneurysms with a daughter sac (an irregular protrusion of the wall of the aneurysm) were also more likely to rupture (hazard ratio, 1.63; 95% CI, 1.08 to 2.48).

This study showed that the natural course of unruptured cerebral aneurysms varies according to the size, location, and shape of the aneurysm.
