
About Your Family and Community. Robert B. Taylor. MEDICAL WISDOM AND DOCTORING. The Art of 21st Century Practice. Springer, 2010.p235-248


The chapter began:
Your family can cause you more sadness than all the no-show, heart sink, and difficult patients you will encounter in lifetime. But there are two sides to the coin. Your family can also bring more joy than making a brilliant diagnosis, having a paper published in your favorite medical journal, or receiving a national award.・・・I will submit the thesis that this world is full of people and opportunities. Wise physicians pay keen attention to these factors of their life. Often-neglected life areas include full participation in marriage, family and community.

・Be a good life partner

・urture your closest relationships
 If there is one key success in life partnerships, it is the process of nurturing the relationship. This means finding ways to communicate effectively, cultivating common interests, and -most of all- spending time together.
 ・・・but the physician faces some formidable challenges in the quest for a successful intimate relationships 
  *prolonged work hours, leading to fatigue, diminished family time
  *smoldering hints of personal burnout, the result of heavy clinical obligations 
   And so on・・・

・Take good care of your family
 ・・・as you age, your family -especially your grandchildren – is your reward for being a good spouse an parent, and for taking good care of your family. Do what needs to be done now to earn this rewards later.

・Seek the right balance between work and family

・When home with family, be a person, not “the doctor” ☆☆☆

・Establish early habits of finding family time
 I suggest you that you put “family time” on your schedule. After all we physicians tend to be both compulsive and time-oriented. ・・・Try not to be distracted by phone calls or your Blackberry. 
・Spend time with your children
 We physician can provide our families with more than our share of materials advantages, but gifts, tennis clubs, and private school tuition cannot substitute for spending time with them.

・Help your children learn to appreciate the value of hard work and independent thinking
 ・・・book titled The adventures of Dr.Huckleberry・・・I tell you this book, because I believe that this rural doctor, writing of his life, provides good insight honest labor and innovation.

・Teach your children to be charitable

・Consider involving your family -spouse and children‐in your work
 ・・・I often needed to make a trip to the hospital to the hospital on Saturday or Sunday morning to see my patients. Sometimes I took daughters along・・・Today, almost four decades later, my daughter fondly recall those times with their dad.
 In that small town practice, my wife worked in the office and children often helped with cleaning rooms and stocked supplies. 

・You will inevitably be involved in the case of your own family members

・Live in the community where your patients live☆☆☆
 ・・・Yet today, physicians and their patients often live in very different neighborhoods,・・・
 Often, this separation is purposeful on the physicians part,・・・
 I believe that physician’s life in richer and the quality of healthcare enhanced if doctor and 
 patients in the same community.・・・

・Serve your community
 ・・・the physician is one of the most educated person in town.・・・With this educational endowment come obligations. ・・・
 While joining in activities with members of your community, it is perfectly Okay to have some of these persons as friends. Actually, I urge you to cultivate some friends outside of medicine, ・・・
 Getting to know a few of these people as friends can only enrich your life. 

・Wise words about your family and community
  * Introduce 9 wise remarks about doctor’s family and community.
   ”When the family fails, there’s the community: when the community fails, there’s a family ”




ファシリテーション入門 日本経済新聞社 2004
ファシリテーター養成講座 ダイヤモンド社 2007













 1.場のデザインスキル ~場をつくり、つなげる~


 2. 対人関係スキル ~受け止め、引き出す~


 3. 構造化スキル ~かみ合わせ、整理する~


 4. 合意形成スキル ~まとめて、分かち合う~






 Elizabeth L. Sampson, et al,Survival of people with dementia after unplanned acute hospital admission: a prospective cohort study, International Journal of Geriatric psychiatry, 21 December 2012.



 この研究は,ある大都市の急性期総合病院における予定しない入院となった616人の患者(70歳以上)についての前向きコホート研究である.主要な曝露因子は,DSM-Ⅳにおける認知症で,一次アウトカムは死亡リスクであった.認知症の重症度は,FAST(Functional Assessment Staging scale)で評価を行った.また,変数の範囲については,急性の生理学的変化(Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation),慢性の併存疾患(Charlson Comorbidity Index, CCI),褥瘡リスク(Waterlow score)で検討した.


 調整していない認知症患者の死亡率についてのハザード比は,1.66(95%信頼区間 1.35-2.04)で,中等症から重症の認知症患者の場合は,2.01(95%信頼区間 1.57-2.57)であった.年齢,性別,Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation,Charlson Comorbidity Index, Waterlow scoreで調整した後では,認知症の死亡リスクは,1.24(95%信頼区間 0.95-1.60)で,中等症から重症の認知症では,1.33(95%信頼区間 0.97-1.84)であった.

 認知症である人々の生存期間は,認知症ではない人々の半分である.死亡率における認知症の影響は,特に虚弱性のマーカーのひとつであるWaterlow scoreによる調整後に減少した.




 Uptodate [Anticoagulation in acute pulmonary embolism]

have some patients in home visit who are difficult to do blood test. Because
they have a fragile blood vessels and we can’t find thick and good ones. Some
patients take warfarin to prevent re-attack of pulmonary embolism, so we must
check INR every month.

wonder if it is necessary to check INR every month or it is possible to change
a drug except warfarin or stop it.

Monitoring — The
laboratory test most commonly used to measure the effects of warfarin is the INR. Warfarin therapy
for acute PE should target an INR of 2.5 (range 2.0 to 3.0) [5,40]. Randomized trials indicate
that less intense anticoagulation (INR <2.0) is associated with an increased
likelihood of recurrent PE or DVT and more intense anticoagulation is
associated with bleeding [40-44].

Following discharge, initial monitoring can be reduced to once every few days until a stable dose has been achieved [40] and then to once every four weeks [45]. INR measurements should return to the more frequent interval any time that adjustments in the dose become necessary and the more frequent interval should be continued until a stable dose is again achieved. (See “Therapeutic use of warfarin“.
Long-term therapy — After initial therapy with LMWH, UFH, or subcutaneous fondaparinux, long-term therapy is generally completed with a vitamin K antagonist, such as warfarin. Vitamin K antagonists are preferred over rivaroxaban due to the greater clinical experience with the former [5].
Duration — We advocate the following treatment durations for warfarin therapy. Recommendations for indefinite therapy ascribe a higher value to preventing recurrent PE and a lower value to bleeding, cost, and inconvenience.
•    For patients with a first episode of acute PE due to a temporary risk factor (eg, surgery, immobilization, trauma), we recommend warfarin therapy for three months, rather than a shorter or longer duration (Grade 1B). (See ‘Reversible risk factor’ above.)
•    For patients with a first episode of unprovoked acute PE, we recommend warfarin therapy for at least three months, rather than a shorter duration (Grade 1B). The potential benefits and risks of indefinite anticoagulant therapy should be assessed after the three months of anticoagulant therapy (see ‘Unprovoked’ above):
•    For patients who have a low or moderate risk of bleeding, we suggest indefinite warfarin therapy, rather than three months of therapy (Grade 2B).
•    For patients who have a high risk of bleeding, we recommend three months of warfarin therapy, rather than indefinite therapy (Grade 1B).
•    For patients with two or more episodes of acute PE, we recommend warfarin therapy for at least three months, rather than a shorter duration (Grade 1B). The potential benefits and risks of indefinite anticoagulant therapy should be assessed after the three months of anticoagulant therapy (see ‘Recurrent PE’ above):
•    For patients who have a low risk of bleeding, we recommend indefinite warfarin therapy, rather than three months of therapy (Grade 1A).
•    For patients who have a moderate risk of bleeding, we suggest indefinite warfarin therapy, rather than three months of therapy (Grade 2B).
•    For patients who have a high risk of bleeding, we suggest three months of warfarin therapy, rather than indefinite therapy (Grade 2B).
Anticoagulant therapy for
patients with an acute PE who are pregnant or have a malignancy is discussed



 Patient-Doctor Depth-of-Relationship Scale:
Development and Validation

Matthew J. Ridd Annals
of Family Medicine 2011 November/December
2011 vol. 9 no. 6 538-545


 Because patient-doctor continuity has been measured in its longitudinal rather than its personal dimension, evidence to show that seeing the same doctor leads to better patient care is weak. Existing relational measures of patient-doctor continuity are limited, so we developed a new patient self-completion instrument designed to specifically measure patient-doctor depth of relationship.
 Draft versions of the questionnaire were tested with patients in face-to-face interviews and 2 rounds of pilot testing. The final instrument was completed by patients attending routine appointments with their general practitioner, and some were sent a follow-up questionnaire. Scale structure, validity, and reliability were assessed.
 Face validity of candidate items was confirmed in interviews with 11 patients. Data from the pilot rounds 1 (n = 375) and 2 (n = 154) were used to refine and shorten the questionnaire. The final instrument comprised a single scale of 8 items and had good internal reliability (Cronbach’s α = .93). In the main study (N = 490), seeing the same doctor was associated with deep patient-doctor relationships, but the relationship appeared to be nonlinear (overall adjusted odds ratio = 1.5; 95% CI, 1.2-1.8). Test-retest reliability in a sample of participants (n = 154) was good (intracluster correlation coefficient 0.87; 95% CI, 0.53-0.97).
 The Patient-Doctor Depth-of-Relationship Scale is a novel, conceptually grounded questionnaire that is easy for patients to complete and is psychometrically robust. Future research will further establish its validity and answer whether patient-doctor depth of relationship is associated with improved patient care.



 Aleesa A Carter, Tara Gomes, Ximena Camacho, et al. Risk of incident diabetes among patients treated with statins: population based study.BMJ 2013; 346.







結果: プラバスタチン(全ての解析における対照薬剤)と比較して、アトロバスタチン(補整ハザード比 1.22, 95% C.I. 1.15 to 1.29)、ロスバスタチン(1.18, 1.10 to 1.26)、シンバスタチン(1.10, 1.04 to 1.17)では糖尿病の発症リスクが増加した。フルバスタチン(0.95, 0.81 to 1.11)やロバスタチン(0.99, 0.86 to 1.14)を投与された患者群では優位なリスクの増加はなかった。アトロバスタチンとロスバスタチンの糖尿病発症絶対リスクはそれぞれ31、34/1000人年だった。シンバスタチンのリスクはわずかに低く(26 /1000人年)、対照となったプラバスタチンは23/1000人年だった。この結果は、スタチンが心血管疾患の1次予防を目的として投与された場合と2次予防を目的として投与された場合とで変わらなかった。効力によりスタチンを分類した時も同じような結果となったが、投与量も考慮した際にはロスバスタチンによる糖尿病発症リスクは有意なものではなくなった (補整ハザード比 1.01, 0.94 to 1.09) 。




 平原佐斗司(著).第3章 認知症の緩和ケア.非がん疾患の緩和ケア.南山堂2011年

 ・米国のホスピス導入基準における末期の定義では、アルツハイマー型認知症の重症度分類であるFunctional Assessment Stage分類(FAST分類)を利用している。

Risk Index(MRI)(5):米国のNursing Home(NH)に入居している重度認知症患者を対象とした研究から開発された認知症患者の半年予後について評価するスケール。12のリスクファクターを評価し加算することで半年以内の死亡率を予測できる。
Dementia Prognostic Tool(ADEPT)(6):MRIが米国の2つの州のNH入居者のデータに基づいているなどの限界を修正したスコアで、全米のNHの重度認知症患者222,405人の対象に大規模な後ろ向きコホート研究を行い作成した。
(1)  Survival time in people with dementia:analysis from population based cohort 
Study with 14 year follow up BMJ,336:258-262,2008
(2)  Survival after Initial Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease.Annals of Internal 
(3)  Causes of death associated with Alzheimer disease:variation by level of cognitive impairment before death.J Am Geriatr Soc,42(7):723-6,1994
(4)  Tube feeding in patients with advanced dementia A review of evidence.JAMA,282(14):1365-1370,1999
(5)  Estimating Prognosis for Nursing Home Resident with dementia,JAMA 291(22)
(6)   The advanced Dementia Prognostc Tool:A risk score to Estimate Survival in 
       Nursing Home Residents with Advanced Dementia.JPSM,40(5):639-651,2010 
 アルツハイマー型認知症患者の予後予測スケールがあることを初めて知った。また重度認知症患者に対する胃瘻造設の欧米のコンセンサスやそのもととなった報告についても勉強になった。認知症患者の家族に食べられなくなった際にどうするか方針を決定する機会があるが,Shared decision makingを行う上でこれらの予後スケールや胃瘻造設予後のエビデンスの提示は有用になり得ると感じた。



Garfinkel D, et al. Feasibility Study of a Systematic Approach for Discontinuation of Multiple Medications in Older Adults. Arch Intern Med. 2010;170:1648-54. 

Background: Polypharmacy and inappropriate medication use is a problem in elderly patients, who are more likely to experience adverse effects from multiple treatments and less likely to obtain the same therapeutic benefit as younger populations. The Good Palliative Geriatric Practice algorithm for drug discontinuation has been shown to be effective in reducing polypharmacy and improving mortality and morbidity in nursing home inpatients. This study reports the feasibility of this approach in community-dwelling older patients.

Methods: The Good Palliative-Geriatric Practice algorithm was applied to a cohort of 70 community dwelling older patients to recommend drug discontinuations. Success rates of discontinuation, morbidity, mortality, and changes in health status were recorded.

Results: The mean (SD) age of the 70 patients was 82.8 (6.9) years. Forty-three patients (61%) had 3 or more and
26% had 5 or more comorbidities. The mean follow-up was 19 months. Participants used a mean (SD) of 7.7 (3.7)
medications. Protocol indicated that discontinuation was recommended for 311 medications in 64 patients (58% of drugs; mean [SD], 4.4 [2.5] drugs per patient overall, 4.9 per patient who had discontinuation). Of the discontinued
drug therapies, 2% were restarted because of recurrence of the original indication. Taking nonconsent and failures together, successful discontinuation was achieved in 81%. Ten elderly patients (14%) died after a mean follow-up of 13 months,with the mean age at death of 89 years. No significant adverse events or deaths were attributable to discontinuation, and 88% of patients reported global improvement in health.

Conclusions: It is feasible to decrease medication burden in community-dwelling elderly patients. This tool
would be suitable for larger randomized controlled trials in different clinical settings.


プライマリケアの現場での虚血性脳卒中リスク評価 QStroke scoreについて

– 文献名 -
 Derivation and validation of QStroke score for predicting risk of ischaemic stroke in primary care and comparison with other risk scores: a prospective open cohort study   Julia Hippisley-Cox , et al. BMJ 2013;346:f2573

- この文献を選んだ背景 -
 We usually examine the patients with stroke, hypertension, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, and so on. When we examine such as patients, we evaluate risk of ischemic stroke. For example,when we examine the patients with atrial fibrillation, we evaluate CHADS2 score and consider whether we should prescribe anticoagulants. 
I found this article about the predicting risk of ischemic stroke in primary care. I read it.

- 要約 -
 Objective :To develop and validate a risk algorithm (QStroke) to estimate risk of stroke or transient ischaemic attack in patients without prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack at baseline; to compare (a) QStroke with CHADS2 and CHA2DS2VASc scores in patients with atrial fibrillation and (b) the performance of QStroke with the Framingham stroke score in the full population free of stroke or transient ischaemic attack.
Design :Prospective open cohort study using routinely collected data from general practice during the study period 1 January 1998 to 1 August 2012.
Setting :451 general practices in England and Wales contributing to the national QResearch database to develop the algorithm and 225 different QResearch practices to validate the algorithm.
Participants :3.5 million patients aged 25-84 years with 24.8 million person years in the derivation cohort who experienced 77 578 stroke events. For the validation cohort, we identified 1.9 million patients aged 25-84 years with 12.7 million person years who experienced 38 404 stroke events. We excluded patients with a prior diagnosis of stroke or transient ischaemic attack and those prescribed oral anticoagulants at study entry.
Main outcome measures :Incident diagnosis of stroke or transient ischaemic attack recorded in general practice records or linked death certificates during follow-up.
Risk factors :Self assigned ethnicity, age, sex, smoking status, systolic blood pressure, ratio of total serum cholesterol to high density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, body mass index, family history of coronary heart disease in first degree relative under 60 years, Townsend deprivation score, treated hypertension, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, renal disease, rheumatoid arthritis, coronary heart disease, congestive cardiac failure, valvular heart disease, and atrial fibrillation
Results :The QStroke algorithm explained 57% of the variation in women and 55% in men without a prior stroke. The D statistic for QStroke was 2.4 in women and 2.3 in men. QStroke had improved performance on all measures of discrimination and calibration compared with the Framingham score in patients without a prior stroke. Among patients with atrial fibrillation, levels of discrimination were lower, but QStroke had some improved performance on all measures of discrimination compared with CHADS2 and CHA2DS2VASc.
Conclusion :QStroke provides a valid measure of absolute stroke risk in the general population of patients free of stroke or transient ischaemic attack as shown by its performance in a separate validation cohort. QStroke also shows some improvement on current risk scoring methods, CHADS2 and CHA2DS2VASc, for the subset of patients with atrial fibrillation for whom anticoagulation may be required. Further research is needed to evaluate the cost effectiveness of using these algorithms in primary care.




– 文献名 –
 Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan
Inoue M, et al. BMC Fam Pract. 2013; 14: 40-48.

– 要約 –





– 考察とディスカッション –

