著者名:Trisha Greenhalgh
文献タイトル:PRIMARY HEALTH CARE -theory and practice-(BMJ books).
雑誌名・書籍名:Blackwell Publishing. P23-56
Two medical disciplines are very important to effective practice
1 Biomedical science (anatomy, physiology, pathology, cardiology, pharmacology and so on)
2 Epidemiology (the study of disease patterns in populations and interventions to change these)
However, these medical sciences would give us a narrow and incomplete view of primary care.
This chapter covers six additional disciplines that underpin an academic perspectives on primary care.
1 Psychology
The scientific study of mind and behavior. There are broad scope of knowledge…
Ex: Cognitive – , Social – , Development- , Educational-…
2 Sociology
The study of human society and the relationship between its members.
Peter Berger says that Sociology is to discover many layers of meaning.
Ex: Sick role, Professional role, Medical Uncertainty …
3 Anthropology(人類学)
The study of human.
a Structuralist -:
To discover what universal principles of the human mind underlie each culture.
Ex. Claude Levi-Strauss (1st researcher about Family Structure)
Ferdinand de Saussure (Famous Linguist, to discover the unconscious rules and principles embedded within a language 『肩が凝る』)
b Post- Structuralist- :
Anthropology developed out of structuralism, that are closely to the work of Pierre Bourdieu.
Symbolic capital as a crucial source of power.
c Symbolic -:
To analyze symbols (image, courtesy, idol/icon) meaning in culture system.
Ex: Mary Douglas (Purity and Danger : What is defined “Dirty” in different societies )
『こんにゃくゼリー choked risk is lower than rice cake, but more “dirty” in Japan』
4 Literary Theory
Theory of literature and literacy criticism.
Ex: Patient Story, Voice of Medicine/ Voice of Human World.
5 Philosophy, including epistemology(認識論)
a Epistemology :the study of valid forms of knowledge.
Ex : Scepticism(懐疑論), Rationalism, Empiricism, Objectivism, Relativism…
b Moral philosophy : the study of moral value of human behavior.
Ex: Consequentialism(結果主義), Deontology(義務的倫理学), Virtue ethics, Emotivism
c Rhetoric and logic : the study of persuasion.
6 Pedagogy (= Learning Theory)
a Experimental learning theory
b Social learning theory
c Social development theory