
- 文献名 -
 Mark S Pearce et al:Radiation exposure from CT scans in childhood and subsequent risk of leukaemia and brain tumours: a retrospective cohort study.Lancet. 2012 August 4; 380(9840): 499-505.

- この文献を選んだ背景 -

- 要約 -
 追跡期間中に178,604人の患者のうち74人が白血病と診断され、176,587人の患者のうち135人が脳腫瘍の診断に至った。CTスキャンと白血病に関連のある放射線濃度はERR/mGyは0.036(95%CI0.005-0.120;P=0.0097) であり、脳腫瘍では過剰相対リスク0.023(0.010-0.049;P<0.0001)であった。5mGy以下の線量を受けた患者と比較して、少なくとも累積30mGy(平均51.13mGy)の被曝をした患者では白血病の相対危険度は3.18(95%CI1.46-6.94)であった。また累積50-74mGy(平均60.42mGy)の被曝をした患者では脳腫瘍の相対危険度は2.82(1.33-6.03)であった。 【解釈】  小児が約50mGy(脳CT5~10回)の累積被曝をした場合、白血病のリスクが約3倍で、脳腫瘍においては約60mGy(脳CT2~3回)で3倍になる。これらの癌はまれなものである故、累積寄与危険度は低い。10歳以下の小児で初回のCT検査から10年間において考えてみると、10,000回の頭部CT検査で1人の白血病、1人の脳腫瘍が生じる計算となる。臨床的な利点が相対危険度を上回ることは確かだが、CT検査の放射線濃度は可能な限り低く保つべきあり、妥当性があるのであれば電離放射線を生じない他の方法を考慮すべきである。 参考 相対リスク(RR)と過剰相対リスク(ERR)       一般的な疫学研究において2つ以上の集団でリスクを比べる時、非曝露群と比べて曝露群が「何倍」のリスクがあるのかをみるのが相対リスク(RR: relative risk)で、1以上であれば曝露群のリスクが高く、1以下であれば曝露群のリスクが低い。例えば、被曝線量がゼロの集団における疾患Aの発生リスクが10万人あたり2人で、被曝線量が1 Svの集団では10万人あたり5人だった場合、単純なRRは5/2=2.5倍となる。しかし、放射線被ばくのリスク評価では、放射線を浴びることによって単位線量当たりどのくらい過剰にリスクが上昇したのかをみる過剰相対リスク(ERR: Excess relative risk / 1Sv)という指標が用いられることが多い。上記の例では、単純なERRは(5-2)/2=1.5となり、被曝線量1 Sv浴びると1.5倍過剰に発生リスクが上昇することを意味する。しかし、実際の被曝者集団における解析では、被ばく線量、被ばく時年齢、被ばくからの経過時間、現在の年齢、性別などの、様々な因子を考慮して解析されている点に注意が必要である。 開催日:2012年8月29日


Stucky Schrock K, Hayes BL, George CM. Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Children. American Family Physician 86(7), p661-p667, 2012.

2歳未満の小児ではウイルスが原因の大半を占め、年齢と共に比率が減っていく(Table1.)。小児では市中肺炎の30%~50%がウイルスと細菌の混合感染である。細菌性の市中肺炎では肺炎球菌の頻度が最も高いが、ワクチンが広く接種されるようになり重症の感染症の発生率は低下した。学齢期の市中肺炎ではMycoplasma pneumoniae、chlamydophila pneumoniae,肺炎球菌が主要な原因である。
重症事例ではブドウ球菌、とくにMRSAが原因として増えつつある。ブドウ球菌は特異的な所見がみられないため診断はチャレンジングである。 重症例や直近にインフルエンザ感染を伴う例、βラクタムやマクロライド系抗菌薬が奏功しない場合には疑うべきである。

反対に、陽性的中率は低い(20.1%)。頻呼吸を呈している発熱児の場合、陥没呼吸や呻吟(grunting)、鼻翼呼吸、捻髪音の存在が肺炎の可能性を高くする。WHOは発展途上国でX線が利用できない環境では頻呼吸を診断の指標としている(Table 2)。




小児から思春期の肺炎の入院決定は臨床的、社会的、多様な要因で決定される。4か月未満の乳児はウイルス性またはChlamydia trachomatis感染を疑う場合か無症状でこまめなフォローアップが可能でない限り原則として入院である(Table5)。










著者名:Heather T Keenan et al. 
文献タイトル:Early head injury and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: retrospective cohort study.
雑誌名・書籍名:BMJ 2008: 337 doi: 10.1136/bmj.a1984 .
発行年:Published 6 November 2008.

To explore the hypothesis that medically attended head injury in young children may be causal in the later development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Retrospective cohort study.

Health improvement network database (1988-2003), a longitudinal UK general practice dataset.
Participants All children registered in the database from birth until their 10th birthday.

<Main outcome measures> 
Risk of a child with a head injury before age 2 developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder before age 10 compared with children with a burn injury before age 2 and children with neither a burn nor a head injury.

Of the 62?088 children who comprised the cohort, 2782 (4.5%) had a head injury and 1116 (1.8%) had a burn injury. The risk of diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder before 10 years of age after adjustment for sex, prematurity, socioeconomic status, and practice identification number was similar in the head injury (relative risk 1.9, 95% confidence interval 1.5 to 2.5) and burn injury groups (1.7, 1.2 to 2.5) compared with all other children.




Is Frequency of Shared Family Meals Related to the Nutritional Health of Children and Adolescents? PEDIATRICS Vol. 127 No. 6 June 1, 2011 pp. e1565 -e1574


To examine the frequency of shared family mealtimes in relation to nutritional health in children and adolescents.

 Four search engines were used to systematically locate empirical research: PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, conducted in 2009 with no year restrictions.
 Three categories were constructed on the basis of reported outcomes: weight status, food consumption, and disordered eating. Flowchart of the study-selection process is shown at Figure1. 
Meta-analytic methods were used. Pooled odds ratios were calculated. A random-effects model was used to estimate all outcomes.

  Table 1 lists descriptive information for the 17 included studies. The studies were conducted in the United States (n=12), Australia(n=1), Canada (n=1), Finland(n=1), Japan (n=1), and New Zealand(n=1). Fifteen studies reported cross-sectional findings, and 5 reported longitudinal findings. Analyses were performed separately for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. The total sample size for all studies was 182 836 children and adolescents (mean sample age: 2.8 ?17.3 years). 
  Thirteen studies reported on the percentages of family meals, and the majority of families had meals together 5 to 7 nights per week (52%), 31% shared 1 to 4 meals together, and 14% did not share any meals together.
The frequency of shared family meals is significantly related to nutritional health in children and adolescents. Children and adolescents who share family meals 3 or more times per week are more likely to be in a normal weight range and have healthier dietary and eating patterns than those who share fewer than 3 family meals together. In addition, they are less likely to engage in disordered eating. Benefits include a reduction in the odds for overweight (12%), eating unhealthy foods (20%), and disordered eating (35%) and an increase in the odds for eating healthy foods (24%). (Table2)
  Two of the all five longitudinal studies had 5-year follow-ups, whereas the others reported on 3-year and 2-year follow-ups. Of the 4 studies that reported on longitudinal findings, only 1 reported significant findings. However, the OR for the meta-analysis is significant (0.93 [95% CI: 0.90?0.95]), which suggests that shared family meals are associated with 7% odds of reduction of overweight and disordered eating. (Figure2)

The results of this study suggest that shared family mealtimes offer nutritional benefits to family members. Health professionals are advised to encourage families to eat meals together.

 Future studies should develop interventions for families that struggle with health issues such as obesity and disordered eating and add focus on family mealtimes as a setting in which to promote better nutrition habits.
  The longitudinal studies included in this meta-analysis were few and focused mainly on overweight; more longitudinal studies need to be conducted to shed light on the potential long-term relationship between family meals and nutritional health.
Specific mechanisms of how family mealtimes influence related nutritional outcomes should be investigated.
  Future research should include more precision in the measurement of not only the frequency of family mealtimes but structural aspects of the family and who is present during meals.
